Food for hungry families


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Food for hungry families

Imagine not being able to feed your family properly. For some this is due to extreme financial circumstances brought about by redundancy or unemployment. At the emergency Foodbank we see the impact of poverty every day.

The need

Last year we distributed 2,514 emergency parcels, which helped feed over 8,306 people including 4,015 children. However we receive no Government funding for this service. We depend on the generous support of people like you.

Your help today

Your support will help us provide an emergency food parcel to keep a family fed while immediate measures are taken to find solutions.

Please make a gift of $120 and it could provide a nutritious emergency food parcel to a financially disadvantaged family.

Impacting lives, when it is needed most

When Jan* had to flee her home should couldn’t feed her baby and young twin daughters. Coming to Family Works she received a food parcel to get her and her children through a very difficult time while they waited for emergency housing and assessment for family support entitlements.

Their story is a situation all too frequently being experienced by families in our communities. Many need to flee family homes for safety or other reasons, with next to nothing apart from the clothes on their backs.

A food parcel funded with your support could help someone like Jan and her children, provided them with a parcel of nutritious necessities that will provide relief for 3 – 4 days.

Help feed hungry families