Make someone’s life more positive today
By donating less than $1 per day, you can support our mission to create a better life for everyone.
Vulnerable New Zealanders need your help
Demand is ever-increasing for PSN’s vital social and health and disability services: Enliven, Family Works, Lifeline and Shine, as well as the Communities Feeding Communities Initiative.
We need your help so we can continue to support New Zealand’s most vulnerable – the elderly, those with injuries or disabilities, families, parents, children, young people and communities – with the practical help they need.
Become a PSN Angel
PSN Angels provides supporters with an easy way to contribute to a range of social and health and disability services.
By making a $30 monthly donation, you’ll not only become part of the PSN Angel supporter group, but more importantly make a positive difference to a range of people in New Zealand communities.
You’ll directly help people who experience loneliness, isolation and any kind of distress; families under stress with young children or teenagers; people who experience domestic violence; people with disabilities and the elderly; and ordinary families struggling to make ends meet or put enough food on the table.
Show your care across the year – you can help make someone’s life more positive today.
What being a PSN Angel means
Your monthly gift of $30 will make a significant impact by helping PSN continue to make a difference in New Zealand communities.
Regular updates
You’ll receive a quarterly newsletter sharing stories and updates on how your support is making a difference to people’s lives.
Social services support
Ensuring Family Works, Lifeline, and Shine respond to families and individuals, including children, in distress, dealing with family violence, and family/parenting challenges.
Maximising independence
Helping Enliven to provide a range of home and community support services across the upper North Island, including maximising the independence of older people and those with disabilities or injuries.
Achieving food security
Supporting the Communities Feeding Communities Initiative’s work to achieve food security for families in Roskill South and distribute food parcels across Auckland.
Read the stories of New Zealanders you’ll be helping
Danya’s story
Family Works helped Dayna to break the cycle of violence. He now connects well with his children who love being with their dad and are no longer scared of him.
Jean’s story
At age 6, Jean contracted scarlet fever which affected her hearing and led to bone infections. Now in her 80s, she is profoundly deaf, and has osteoarthritis in all her joints.
Sarah’s story
After 10 years of abuse from her partner, Sarah finally found the courage to tell someone about the violence she and her daughter had endured.