Te Whakapuakitanga a PSN e pā ana ki ngā tūkinotanga i ngā whare tiaki a te kāwana.
Ki ngā tāngata katoa kua whai pānga ki roto i tēnei pūrongo, ki ia mema hoki o te hapori o Presbyterian Support Northern, nō mua, nō nāianei hoki, ki ngā apataki me ngā kaimahi anō hoki.
E whakae ana Presbyterian Support Northern ki ngā whakakitenga me ngā taunakitanga o te Pūrongo a te Royal Commission e whakahau nei he tūkinotanga i pupū ake i ngā whare tiaki tamariki a te kāwanatanga me ngā hāhi mai i ngā tau 1950 ki te 1999.
E aro ake ana mātou o Presbyterian Support Northern ki ērā o ngā tūkinotanga i ara ake i ngā tau i muri hoki i te wā i tohua ki roto I te pūrongo nei. E whakahau ana mātou, tērā hoki ētahi kāhui tāngata he nui noa atu ā rātou pōtiwhatiwhatanga e ai ki ngā whakakitenga a te Pūrongo nā. Ka huri ō tātou aro ki te aukino a te Māori me ngā uri o Te Moananui-a-kiwa i tūkinotia e ngā whare tiaki tamariki a te kāwanatanga me ngā hāhi. Heoi anō rā tēnei te tuku i ō mātou arohanui me a mātou whakapahā ki ngā uri Māori me ngā whānau hoki o Te Moananui-a-kiwa, ngā hapori whānui tonu, tae atu ki ngā kaimahi ō mua ō nāianei hoki, tēnei te aroha mutungakore o te ngākau ki a koutou katoa!
E whakamātike ana tēnei pūrongo i te hapa nui a Aotearoa New Zealand ki te whakarērea me te tūkino Tamariki. He whakapahā nui nō mātou I ngā ongaonga me ngā tūkinotanga I pā ki ngā tamariki me ngā taiohi i raro i taua āhuatanga. Ko mātou hoki tētahi o ngā ohu tiaki, tāwharau tamariki me ngā taiohi i taua wā, me tā mātou kore tautoko i ngā mahi tūkino, takahi hoki i te wairua me te mana o te tangata me ngā whānau e noho ana i ō mātou whare whakaruruhau katoa.
Ki ngā kaitaunaki i tēnei whakapātaritaritanga, e tuohu ana mātou ki a koutou i tā koutou kaha me tā koutou maia ki te whakaara ake i ngā mahi wetiweti ō mua. Me tā mātou mōhio kia kauaka tēnei tū āhuatanga e puta ake; e whakaū ana mātou ki a mātou taunakitanga i roto i te pūrongo nei kia pūmautia te haumaru me te oranga o ngā tāngata katoa e tiaki ana i tēnei rā me ngā rā kei te ara tonu mai.
Mehemea kua pākinohia tētahi o au whānau i te wā e noho ana i raro i ngā ratonga a Presbyterian Support Northern, tērā ētahi huarahi e rongohia ai tō/ōu nawe:
- Mehemea he āwangawanga tāu, he wheako rānei e hiahiatia ana e koe te whakapūaki ki Presbyterian Support Northern ka hiahia rānei e koe ki te whakahaumanu tēnā whakapā mai ki a mātou mā te īmēra: info@psn.org.nz.
- Ki te hiahia hoki koe ki te whakapā atu ki te Royal Commission (I te wā Kotahi, wā I tua atu rānei) he kōrero whakamārama kei te paetukutuku a Te Royal Commission ki: www.abuseincare.org.nz.
Pam Elgar
Interim CEO – Kaiwhakahaere Mātua
PSN statement relating to Abuse in Care
To all those impacted by and referred to in this document, and to every member of the Presbyterian Support Northern community past and present, clients and staff alike.
Presbyterian Support Northern accepts and affirms the findings and recommendations of the report of the Royal Commission into historical abuse in state care and faith-based organisations from 1950 to 1999. Presbyterian Support Northern also recognises those who may have experienced abuse following the stated period of this report. We acknowledge that specific groups have been disproportionately impacted and highlighted in these findings. Particularly we turn our attention to the plight of Māori and Pasifika who have been disproportionately impacted in state and faith-based care. In respect to our previous and current Māori and Pasifika whānau and including our broader community and staff we unreservedly express our deepest regrets and apologies.
This inquiry has confirmed disgraceful instances of neglect and abuse throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. We are extremely sorry for harm and trauma inflicted upon children and young people in our care. As an organisation entrusted with the care and protection of children and young people during this period we recognise and condemn any abuse and maltreatment perpetrated upon you and your whānau in our care facilities.
To you who have testified at this inquiry we bow to your courage and strength in revisiting these abhorrent experiences. We know this should never have happened; we commit to pursue the recommendations made by the inquiry and ensure the safety and well-being of all and any people entrusted to our care today and in the future.
If you or a member of your whānau has been harmed while in the care of Presbyterian Support Northern services, there are a number of ways your complaint can be heard:
- If you have concerns or experiences that you want to share directly with Presbyterian Support Northern or wish to seek redress, please contact us in confidence by email info@psn.org.nz.
- If you wish to engage with the Royal Commission (either at the same time or separately) there is information on the Royal Commission’s website at www.abuseincare.org.nz.
Pam Elgar
Interim CEO – Kaiwhakahaere Mātua